An emotional support animal is one that is used as a part of medication for many mental and emotional health disorders. Like many other emotional and psychological issues, ADHD is a disorder that can be cured with the help of an ESA dog. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (dogo argentino) is a mental disorder that is more common in early and late childhood and it can be observed in school-going children. Boys are more likely to suffer from this disorder as compared to the girls. But an adult can also fall into ADHD. In most of the cases, brain chemical imbalance and heredity are most responsible for this disorder. Symptoms of ADHD are slightly different in both adults and children.
ADHD Symptoms in Children
A child suffering from ADHD feels it difficult to concentrate on things for a longer time and he can be easily distracted. He may be unable to complete his tasks on time and he may forget about the important things. Moreover, he may feel it difficult to stay calm and sitting in a single place for a longer time. Daydreaming and hyperactivity are other significant symptoms that can be linked with anatolian shepherd in children. A child suffering from this disorder can create problems for persons around him.
ADHD Symptoms in Adults
While the symptoms of ADHD are very different in adults. A patient of this disorder suffers from anxiety and possesses a very low level of self-esteem. Mood swings, depression, and chronic boredom are the other symptoms that can indicate a possible ADHD. moreover, the person suffering from ADHD may not be able to manage his anger and this poor anger management can create problems for holding relationships.
Treatment of ADHD with the Help of an ESA Dog
There are many ways available for the treatment of this disorder but the most important that has become very popular in the treatment of ADHD is the use of an Emotional Support hypoallergenic dogs. A dog can be very beneficial for the patient of ADHD. A patient of this disorder just requires to spend time with an ESA dog on a daily bases. The unconditional love and affection that a dog shows for its owner will dramatically remove the symptoms of ADHD. The company of an ESA dog helps to address the core issues of this disorder. An ESA dog may have the following impacts on the patient of ADHD:
Get an ESA Letter for Your Dog
You must keep in mind that your dog can only be your legal cockapoo if you have a valid emotional support dog letter issued by a licensed mental health therapist. This letter will enable you to go to no-animal places with your dog and can enjoy its company without any hurdle. You can get an ESA letter by visiting a registered mental health doctor or you also have the option to apply for an ESA letter through online sources.